Dear Bus Family,

We are stoked to address you for the first time in our new positions as the Co-Executive Directors of the Washington Bus! The Bus is the political home for young people in Washington’s politics. We’re looking forward to building upon the inspiring work of the Bus. We are all about co-creating long-term, sustainable power by and with young people, for all people. We will move toward a more accessible, equitable, and representative Washington State for all of us, not just some of us.

Together with our staff, board, and community (you!), we will expand the badass movement building work of the Bus by…

  • Prioritizing the issues that most impact young people by revamping our Youth Agenda survey to better determine what matters most to Washingtonians under 35. We will start with young people’s aspirations!

  • Ramping up our digital and on-the-ground permanent organizing to build the capacity and leadership of young people’s political and civic engagement.

  • Prioritizing investing in POC, low-income, LGBTQIA+, immigrant, and other historically disenfranchised young leaders through strengthening our Fellowship Program to provide them with the skills and opportunities to lead and win.

  • Engaging more young people by becoming a statewide organization with increased programmatic capacity, more staff, and a bigger budget to create lasting, liberating change for all.

We can’t wait for more young people throughout Washington to join us as leaders and builders of bold policy change, grassroots organizing, and advocacy. And we know that doing this work well will take time and intention. We are committed to taking the time to build authentic relationships grounded in trust so that we continue to be a trusted messenger in our communities. We are also committed to addressing the structural racism that is deeply ingrained in our political and civic processes. We are committed to upholding the dignity and humanity of our youth, and to create a space where young people know their power. We couldn’t be more excited to co-lead this new chapter of the Washington Bus with you and to create a “youth quake” in Washington State!

And of course, a successful transition needs healthy support—thank you for leaning in, sharing the dope work of the Bus with your networks, and continuing to ride the Bus with us for years to come.

In solidarity,

Cinthia Illan-Vazquez, Co-Executive Director for Policy and Program

Kelly Hickman, Co-Executive Director for Operations and Development