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Want to be a part of developing the next generation of young leaders? Join the mail list for volunteer and action opportunities!

The Washington Bus

Of young people, by young people, for all people.

Apply for our Summer Fellowship!

Are you between 16-25 and want to learn how to be an organizer? Check out our summer fellowship opportunity!

The Washington Bus is a statewide movement building organization that increases political access and participation for young people across Washington State and develops the next generation of young leaders.

Hella Bus Blog


Washington Bus Statement Condemning Political Violence

WASHINGTON STATE—The Washington Bus believes that all people deserve the right  to live our lives with the safety from violence of any kind—especially political. Whether you are a candidate running for office or a voter engaging in the civic process, everyone...

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Candidate Endorsement Process for 2024

Hey Hey Community, We have gotten a LOT of interest in our endorsements! Thank you all for checking in. For candidates and their teams: When: We will reach out after the Primary for General Election endorsements! We will not be doing Primary election endorsements....

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2023 Candidate Survivor Recap

Led by Drag Queen Miss Texas 1988, and hosted by yours truly, the Washington Bus, alongside The Stranger, after years of absence we brought back Candidate Survivor—a spectacular, wacky, yet policy-focused and youth-led candidate forum for this year’s Seattle City...

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People. Participation. Policy.

We believe in people. We believe in participation. We believe in policy. The Bus meets young people where they are and mobilizes them to build a more progressive and representative Washington State. We run large voter registration drives, educate our peers on civic issues and train the next generation of leaders.
Learn what we do!Get involved!

People. Participation. Policy.

Learn what we do!Get involved!

Voters registered

Leaders developed

Volunteers engaged

Voter contacts

Help fuel the Bus!

The Bus couldn’t run without the help from folks just like you, so we thank you in advance for supporting the Washington Bus! Donations to our 501(c)(4) directly fund our issue advocacy, policy, and outreach work, and are where your gift will be least restricted.

Looking for our sister organization?

To best fulfill the full scope of our mission, ‘The Washington Bus’ header is comprised of two separate legal entities: The Washington Bus, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, and The Washington Bus Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity.